Albania - European Commission
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Enlargement and Eastern Neighbourhood


Membership status: candidate country


EU-Albania relations

Albania – along with other Western Balkans countries – was identified as a potential candidate for EU membership during the Thessaloniki European Council summit in June 2003.

In 2009, Albania submitted its formal application for EU membership. In its Opinion on Albania's application (in 2010), the Commission assessed that before accession negotiations could be formally opened, Albania still had to achieve a necessary degree of compliance with the membership criteria and in particular to meet the 12 key priorities identified in the Opinion.

In October 2012, Commission recommended that Albania be granted EU candidate status, subject to completion of key measures in the areas of judicial and public administration reform and revision of the parliamentary rules of procedures.

In June 2014, Albania was awarded candidate status by the EU.

In April 2018, the Commission issued an unconditional recommendation to open accession negotiations. In its June 2018 Conclusions, the Council set out the path towards opening accession negotiations in June 2019, depending on progress made in key areas such as the judiciary, fight against corruption and organised crime, intelligence services and public administration. The Commission reiterated the recommendation to open accession talks in the Enlargement Package adopted in May 2019. In its June 2019 Conclusions, the Council took good note of the Commission's recommendation. In March 2020 the members of the European Council endorsed the General Affairs Council’s decision to open accession negotiations with Albania and in July 2020 the draft negotiating framework were presented to the Member States. In July 2022, the Intergovernmental Conference on accession negotiations was held with Albania. The Commission started the screening process.

In July 2022, the Commission started the screening process, which is progressing smoothly. In July 2023, the European Commission submitted to the Council the screening report on Cluster 1 – Fundamentals, including benchmarks for opening accession negotiations on this cluster.

More information on the country's relations with the EU

Factsheets and factographs

Key milestones

  1. 09-2023
    First explanatory screening meeting on Cluster 6 – “External Relations”
  2. 09-2023
    Final bilateral screening meeting on cluster 4 – “Green agenda, sustainable connectivity”
  3. 07-2023
    First explanatory screening meeting on Cluster 5 – Resources, agriculture, cohesion
  4. 07-2023
    Submission of the screening report on Cluster 1 – “Fundamentals” to the Council
  5. 06-2023
    Final bilateral screening meeting on cluster 3 – “Competitiveness, inclusive growth”
  6. 03-2023
    First explanatory screening meeting on Cluster 4 - “Green agenda, sustainable connectivity”
  7. 03-2023
    Final bilateral screening meeting on cluster 2 “Internal market”
  8. 01-2023
    Final bilateral screening meeting on cluster 1 “fundamentals”
  9. 10-2022
    First explanatory screening meeting on Cluster 3 – Competitiveness and inclusive growth
  10. 10-2022
    First explanatory screening meeting on Cluster 2 – Internal market
  11. 09-2022
    First explanatory screening meeting on Cluster 1 – Fundamentals
  12. 07-2022
    Inaugural meeting of the screening process
  13. 07-2022
    Intergovernmental Conference on accession negotiations with Albania.
  14. 05-2021
    Commission informs Council that Albania has met the remaining condition to be fulfilled prior to the holding of the first Inter-Governmental Conferenc
  15. 10-2020
    Commission adopts an Economic & Investment Plan to support and bring the Western Balkans closer to the EU.
  16. 07-2020
    Presentation of the draft negotiating framework to the Member States.
  17. 25-03-2020
    The Council decides to open accession negotiations.
  18. 02-2020
    Revised methodology

    Revised methodology, presented by the Commission, to drive forward the enlargement process with a stronger political steer and in a more credible, predictable, dynamic way.

  19. 05-2019
    The European Commission recommends opening accession negotiations.
  20. 01-06-2018
    The Council sets out the path towards opening accession negotiations.
  21. 01-04-2018
    The Commission repeats its unconditional recommendation to open accession negotiations.
  22. 27-06-2014
    The Council granted the candidate status to Albania in June 2014.
  23. 12-11-2013
    The EU and Albania hold the first meeting of the High Level Dialogue on Key Priorities.
  24. 10-10-2012
    European Commission recommends that Albania be granted EU candidate status, subject to completion of key measures in certain areas.
  25. 01-02-2011
    An action plan addressing the 12 key priorities identified in the European Commission opinion is adopted by Albania.
  26. 15-12-2010
    Visa free regime for Schengen area introduced for all Albanian citizens having a biometric passport.
  27. 09-11-2010
    European Commission delivers opinion on Albania's EU membership application.
  28. 24-04-2009
    Albania submits its application for EU membership.
  29. 01-04-2009
    Stabilisation and association agreement enters into force.
  30. 01-01-2008
    EU-Albania visa facilitation agreement enters into force.
  31. 01-01-2007
    IPA funds available to help Albania prepare for membership.
  32. 01-12-2006
    Interim agreement enters into force.
  33. 12-06-2006
    Stabilisation and Association Agreement and Interim Agreement is signed.
  34. 01-05-2006
    EU-Albania Readmission Agreement enters into force.
  35. 01-06-2004
    Council adopts European partnership with Albania.

Key documents

  • General publications
  • Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations
  • General publications
  • Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations
  • General publications
  • Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations
  • General publications
  • Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations