2006 Transition Facility - Fin. Proposal & Project Fiches
2006_018-118 Transition facility-FP
Project Fiches
- Objective 1: Justice and home affairs
- Objective 2: Financial control and protection of EU funds
- Objective 3: Environment
- Objective 4: Consumer protection / Internal market
- Objective 5: Overall administrative capacity
2005 Transition Facility - Fin. Proposal & Project Fiches
2005-017-495 - Latvia Transition Facility 2005-017-495 - Finansesanas Priekslikums Parejas Lidzeklu Istenosanai Latvija 2005. Gada
Project fiches
- Objective 1 Agriculture and food safety
- Objective 2: Environment and Public health
- Objective 3: Justice and home affairs
- Objective 4: Internal market including statistics
- Objective 5: Overall administrative capacity
2004 Transition Facility - Fin. Proposal & Project Fiches
2004 Latvia Transition Facility
Latvijas Republika-Parejas lidzeklu nacionala programma 2004.gadam
Project fiches
- Objective 1: Free Movement of Goods
- Objective 2: Statistics
- Objective 3: Social Policy and Employment
- Objective 4: Energy and Environment
- Objective 5: Justice and Home Affairs
- Objective 6: Overall Administrative Capacity and Programme Evaluation
2003 - Fin. Proposals, Fin. Memorandum & Project Fiches
2003-004-979 National Programme Latvia 2003
Project fiches
- Objective 1: Political Criteria
- Objective 2: Internal Market
- Objective 3: Agriculture
- Objective 4: Social Policy, Employment and Public Health
- Objective 5: Energy
- Objective 6: Regional Policy and Co-ordination of Structural
- Objective 7 : Justice and Home Affairs
- Objective 8: Customs, Public Finance and Overall Administrative
2002 - Fin. Proposals, Fin. Memorandum & Project Fiches
2002 Phare National programme for Latvia 2002-000-590-01-01 to 590-12-02 Addendum 12-10-2004 - 2002-000-590 Latvia NP
Project fiches
- Objective 1: Political Criteria
- Objective 2: Free Movement of Goods and Consumer Protection
- Objective 3: Free Movement of Services
- Objective 4: Agriculture
- Objective 5: Statistics
- Objective 6: Social Policy and Employment
- Objective 7: Telecommunications and Informations Technologies
- Objective 8: Regional Policy and Coordination of Structural Instruments as well as Financial Management
- Objective 9: Environment
- Objective 10: Cooperation in the field of Justice and Home Affairs
- Objective 11: Customs Union
- Objective 12: Reinforce the Overall Administrative Capacity
2001 - Fin. Proposals, Fin. Memorandum & Project Fiches
2001 Phare National Programme for Latvia LE0101-01 - LE0106-01
Addendum 12-10-2004 - LE0104.02 NP
Project fiches
- Objective 1: Political Criteria
- Objective 2: Reinforcement of Institutional and Administrative Capacity
- Objective 3: Employment and Social Affairs
- Objective 4: Justice and Home Affairs including Border Control
- Objective 5: Economic and Social Cohesion
- Objective 6: Participation in Community Programmes
2000 - Fin. Proposals, Fin. Memorandum & Project Fiches
2000 Phare National Programme for Latvia LE0007-00 - LE0012-03
Project fiches
- Objective 1: Political Criteria
- Objective 2: Internal Market
- Objective 3: Agriculture and Fisheries
- Objective 4: Justice and Home Affairs
- Objective 5: Reinforcement of institutional and administrative capacity
- Objective 6: Economic and Social Cohesion
1999 - Fin. Proposals, Fin. Memorandum & Project Fiches
1999 Phare National Programme for Latvia LE 9902 TO LE 9906
Project fiches
- Objective 1: Acceleration of the Integration of non-citizens into the Latvian Society
- Objective 2: Reinforcement of the Institutional and Administrative Capacity
- LE9903-01: Strengthening of the tax and customs administration; Institution building/human resource development and installation of a tax audit management system (State Revenue Service modernisation)
- LE9903-02: Management and development of EuroFaculty for restructuring the teaching and learning of public administration, law and economics at the University of Latvia
- LE9903-03: Capacity Building for the Central Finance and Contracting Unit (CFCU)
- Objective 3: Further Integration of Latvia into the Internal Market
- Objective 4: Justice and Home Affairs
- Objective 5: Transport
1998 - Fin. Proposals, Fin. Memorandum & Project Fiches
1998 Phare National Programme for Latvia LE 9803 to LE 9809
Project fiches
- Objective 1: LE9803 Acceleration of the integration of non-citizens
- Objective 2: LE9804: Continue the economic Reform Process
- Objective 3: LE9805: Reinforcement of the institutional and administrative capacity
- LE9805.01:State Treasury information technology upgrade programme
- LE9805.02: EuroFaculty: Management and Development of EuroFaculty for restructuring and teaching and leaning of public Administration, Law and Economics at the University of Latvia
- LE9805.03: Special Preparatory Programme for Structural Funds
- LE9805.04: Capacity Building for Programme Management
- Objective 4: LE9806: Further integration of Latvia into the internal market
- Objective 5: LE9807: Justice & Home Affairs
- Objective 6: LE9808: Environment
- Objective 7: LE9809: Transport
1998 Phare National Programme for Latvia LE 9803 to LE 9809
addendum LE9803 to LE9809addendum LE 9803 to LE 9809/LE 9813
Cross Border Cooperation
- 2003-005-876 Baltic Sea Region CBC
- 2003-005-876 Baltic Sea Region CBC
- Addendum 12-10-2004 - 2002-000-638 Latvia CBC Baltics
- 2002/000-638 Baltic sea region CBC in Latvia
- 2002/000-638 Baltic sea region CBC in Latvia
- LE0107 - Co-operation Programme in the Baltic Sea Region 2001
- LE0107 - Co-operation Programme in the Baltic Sea Region 2001
- LE0004 - Special Action in Favour of the Baltic Sea Region- Latvia
- LE0005 - Cross Border Co-operation - Latvia
- LE0005 - Cross Border Co-operation - Latvia
- LE0005 - LT-Logframe Matrix - Annex 1
- LE0005 - LT-Detailed Implementation Chart for the Project Prienai Regional Water Supply and Sewerage Network Expansion and Renovation - Annex 2
- LE0005 - LT-Cumulative Contracting and Disbursement Schedule for the Project Prienai Regional Water Supply and Sewerage Network Expansion and Renovation(2 MEUR) (Phare contracts only) - Annex 3
- LE0005 - LT- Budget - Annex 4