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European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR)

Public consultations

Open and closed public consultations of stakeholders and the general public in the field of External relations and European Neighbourhood Policy are listed in the tables below.

Public consultation on the Thematic Evaluation of Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance and European Neighbourhood Instrument support to Public Administration Reform

Policy Field

European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations / Economic and Financial Affairs / External relations

Period of Consultation

From 6 November 2017 to 12 February 2018

Objective of the Consultation

The purpose of this Open public consultation is to seek comments from the general public, that is citizens of the EU and citizens of countries eligible for support from European Neighbourhood Instrument and of beneficiaries of Instrument for pre-accession assistance, on the evaluation of European Union (EU) Support to Public Administration Reform (PAR) under the EU programme for assistance to integration policy (IPA and IPA II) and the EU programme for the neighbourhood (ENPI/ENI) between 2007 and 2016. It should be noted that the background document is part of the on-going consultation process of an evaluation carried out by external consultants and does not represent the views of the Commission. This consultation is taking place at a time when the consulting team has completed its desk review as well as the field visits. The findings presented in the background document are thus preliminary and do not represent the full assessment, as findings and conclusions may change as the work advances. 

Read the introduction and objective of the evaluation in your language...

Roadmap for the Thematic Evaluation of EU Support to Public Administration Reform in IPA and ENI beneficiaries

How to submit your contribution

You can contribute to this public consultation by filling out the online questionnaire.

Reference documents

Reference document - EU Support through ENI and IPA to Public Administration Reform (PAR): [EN] [DE] [FR]

Contact details

Responsible service: DG NEAR/A4

Postal address

European Commission
DG Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations
15, Rue de la Loi
B – 1049 Brussels

In the interest of transparency, organisations have been invited to provide the public with relevant information about themselves by registering in the EU’s Transparency Register and subscribing to its Code of Conduct. If the organisation is not registered, the submission is published separately from the registered organisations.

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