- Publication date
- 2 December 2022
- Author
- Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations
C(2022) 8947 - COMMISSION IMPLEMENTING DECISION of 30.11.2022 amending “Implementing Decision C(2021) 9716 final adopting a financing of the multicountry multiannual action plan in favour of the Western Balkans and Turkey for 2021- 2022”
IPA III/2021/043-643/04 - Annex 1 (replacing Annex 4) - EU support to fundamental rights of Roma in the Western Balkans and Turkey
IPA III/2021/043-643/08 - Annex 2(replacing Annex 8) - EU Integration Facility, including EU support for the participation of IPA III beneficiaries in EU Agencies and Technical Assistance and Information Exchange (TAIEX)
IPA III/2021/043-643/18 - Annex 3 (adding Annex 18) - EU Support to Cybersecurity Capacity Building in the Western Balkans – 2022