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European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR)
  • News article
  • 25 October 2020
  • Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations
  • 1 min read

Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the announcement of a Ceasefire Agreement in Libya

The European Union and its Member States warmly welcome the signature of a Ceasefire Agreement by the Libyan representatives of the 5+5 Joint Military Commission (JMC) in Geneva on 23 October 2020 and commend UN Acting Special Representative...


The European Union and its Member States warmly welcome the signature of a Ceasefire Agreement by the Libyan representatives of the 5+5 Joint Military Commission (JMC) in Geneva on 23 October 2020 and commend UN Acting Special Representative Stephanie Williams for her successful efforts and determination.

Taking immediate effect, this complete, permanent and countrywide Ceasefire Agreement is a crucial step and the result of months of intense regional and international efforts, initiated within the framework of the UN-led Berlin process. The agreement also includes other important measures, in particular the resumption of transport connections between the different regions of Libya and other confidence building measures, such as a comprehensive process of Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR), which are critical for the return of security and stability in Libya, notably the withdrawal within 90 days of all foreign fighters and mercenaries.

The European Union and its Member States now encourage the Libyan parties to fully and immediately implement the Ceasefire Agreement. The European Union and its Member States call on all international and regional actors to support the Libyan efforts unequivocally, refrain from foreign interference in the Libyan conflict and stop the violations of the UN arms embargo in full respect of the relevant UN Security Council resolutions. All foreign fighters and mercenaries must withdraw immediately. All foreign intervention is unacceptable. On its side, the European Union stands ready to support the implementation of the Ceasefire Agreement with concrete actions, in accordance with the UN Security Council decisions.

These positive security developments on the ground will pave the way for the relaunch of an inclusive political process in Libya. The European Union and its Member States look forward to a successful Political Dialogue Forum later this month and will continue to support UNSMIL in order to bring about a peaceful solution to the longstanding Libyan conflict in the interest of the Libyan population. In this regard, the EU recalls its instrument of sanctions against possible spoilers.
