Serbia - financial assistance under IPA - European Commission
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Enlargement and Eastern Neighbourhood

Serbia - financial assistance under IPA

Indicative funding allocation 2014–20: €1.539,1 billion

The priority sectors for funding in this period are:

  • Democracy & governance

More professional, depoliticised and accountable administration; public financial management reform; normalisation of the relations with Kosovo; stronger administrative capacity for EU funds management; legislative alignment and institution-building;

  • Rule of law & fundamental rights

Independent, impartial and more professional judiciary; fight against corruption and organised crime; integrated border management; fundamental rights, respect of minorities and freedom of expression; improved asylum processing and management

  • Environment & climate action

Alignment with the environment and climate acquis; stronger institutional framework at central and local levels; better treatment of waste and water; improved air quality;

  • Transport

Harmonisation with transport acquis; better infrastructure and regional connectivity; increased intermodal transport and better navigation conditions in inland waterways;

  • Energy

Alignment with EU energy acquis; increased energy efficiency and use of renewables; improved security of supply in electricity and gas sectors;

  • Competitiveness & innovation

Supporting business competitiveness; structural reforms; better research and innovation; closing of digital gap; improve SME access to finance;

  • Education, employment and social policies

Harmonisation of legislation with EU acquis; Improved the quality of educational provisions; enhanced social inclusion; active labour market policies;

  • Agriculture & rural development

More competitive farming and food sector; application of food safety standards; better quality of life in rural areas;

General information on the methods of implementation is included in the How does it work section. More specific information at programme level can be found in the relevant documents here below.

Other sources of information

For specific information (programme level), see below.

Key figures

Serbia key figures


Key documents