Eastern Partnership - European Commission
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Enlargement and Eastern Neighbourhood

Eastern Partnership

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The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) governs the EU’s relations with 16 of the EU’s closest Eastern and Southern neighbours.

Eastern Partnership

The Eastern Partnership (EaP) is a specific Eastern dimension to the ENP that was launched in 2009. The aim of the partnership is to strenghten and deepen the political and economic relations between the European Union, its Member States and six Eastern European and South Caucasus ‘partner countries’:  ArmeniaAzerbaijanBelarusGeorgiaMoldova and Ukraine.

The EaP supports the delivery of many global policy objectives, including the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the UN 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals. It contributes to the overall goal of increasing the stability, prosperity, and resilience of the EU’s neighbours as set out in the Global Strategy for the foreign and security policy of the European Union.

Top ten targets for 2025

As part of the agenda, a selection of top ten targets for 2025 have been identified as future priority actions:

  1. Investing in competitive and innovative economies – 500,000 SMEs supported
  2. Investing in the rule of law – All high level officials declare their economic assets and these declarations are verified
  3. Investing in sustainable and smart connectivity – 3,000 km of priority roads and railways built or upgraded
  4. Investing in people and knowledge societies – 70,000 individual mobility opportunities for students and staff, researchers, young people and youth workers
  5. Investing in security and cyber resilience – A strengthened framework in place for identifying and addressing hybrid threats; strengthened partners’ capacities to increase cyber resilience and tackle cyber crime
  6. Investing in sustainable energy – 250,000 households reduce energy consumption by at least 20%
  7. Investing in environment & climate – Another 3 million people gain access to safe water services; air quality monitored and improved in 300 cities
  8. Investing in health resilience – 850,000 health workers vaccinated and benefit from improved therapeutics, equipment and working conditions
  9. Investing in inclusive, gender equal and diverse societies, and strategic communication – 2,500 local civil society organisations, 120 independent media outlets and 2,000 journalists supported
  10. Investing in digital transformation – 80% of households have affordable access to high speed internet

Latest news

  • News article

KYIV, Ukraine, Feb. 25, 2025— Three years into Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, an updated joint Rapid Damage and Needs Assessment (RDNA4) released today by the Government of Ukraine, the World Bank Group, the European Commission, and the United Nations currently estimates that as of 31 December 2024

  • 4 min read

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