North Macedonia - financial assistance under IPA - European Commission
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North Macedonia - financial assistance under IPA

Indicative funding allocation 2014-2020:  € 608.7 million

The priority sectors for funding in this period are: 

  • Democracy & governance

Reforming the civil service (transparency, accountability, independence) centrally and locally; promoting decentralisation and local governance; implementing key parts of the Ohrid peace agreement; improving economic policy and public financial management; establishing democratic institutions; creating a strong civil society able to contribute to public debate (e.g. on democracy, human rights, social inclusion).

  • Rule of law & fundamental rights

Judicial reform; fighting corruption more effectively; respecting human rights (especially freedom of expression and of the media, and protecting minorities (e.g. the Roma and the LGBTI community); improving border management and implementation of visa, migration and asylum policies in line with EU law (acquis); completing police reforms and boosting the fight against organised crime.

  • Environment & climate action

Creating a cleaner environment; promoting sustainable growth; shifting to a low-carbon, climate-resilient and resource-efficient economy.

  • Transport

Developing a modern, well-connected transport network to support competitiveness and growth; making transport networks safer;  improving mobility in urban areas using green transport.

  • Competitiveness & innovation

Improving economic competitiveness; increasing productive investment, foreign direct investment; diversifying exports; creating conditions for sustainable economic growth and EU convergence; strengthening the business framework (legal and institutional), including by implementing EU single market law.

  • Social development

Supporting a more inclusive, effective labour market; increasing access to quality education and training, to better match skills with employers’ needs; establishing a modern, flexible social welfare system with greater social inclusion; strengthening professional organisations.

  • Agriculture & rural development

Encouraging more balanced development in rural areas; improving food safety standards;  making the farming and food production sector more competitive.

  • Regional and territorial cooperation

Encouraging good neighbourly relations; promoting socio-economic development in border areas.

How will these priorities be implemented? (general background on IPA).

Other sources of information

For specific information (programme level), see below.

Key figures

North Macedonia key figures


Key documents